

You work in the conception, planning and realization of projects on a community and regional level or for the private sector. A main concern of yours is the promotion of sustainable development.

As a biologist and mediator with long experience in negotiation processes, I combine a broad expertise with solid communication know-how. I understand your content despite it’s complexities and specificities and speak the language of your target group.


The partners of your projects represent various fields and have different interests. You wonder how can you get all of them around one table.

In the intersection between scientific disciplines, social concerns and political support, I see myself as a mediator able to bring about interdisciplinary collaboration.


You wish to convey complex messages. A transparent and attractive communication at the right moment makes planning and realization more sustainable.

I know the conditions and obstacles of communication of private, public and non-profit organizations from various projects. It is often a question of working out complex content in a simple and attractive way.


You suspect that different languages and regional cultures are not compatible, you believe that there is a lack of mutual understanding.

I am trilingual (English, German, French) and used to switching between cultures, religions, countries and languages. I see many possibilities and synergies in the confrontations with different cultures and in particular in regard to the consciousness of one’s own origin. Working in an international and intercultural context means being aware of identity and integration and evolving new forms of these.


Challenging objectives, complex decision-making and a variety of actors characterize your organization and projects.

I think in networks and I prefer working in interdisciplinary teams, to link up with experts from other fields according to the needs: regional – town planners, sociologists, political scientists, scientists, facilitators or communication experts.